Monday 24 October 2011


As my second job (I actually have 3) I work as a projectionist and over the last few weeks I have been watching the sight I work at being converted from 35 mm to digital. I'm conflicted over the change just like I was when photography went digital. Call me old school but I love film, the texture the quality and the authentic cinema experience which might have included a few scratch marks and cigarette burns.

The digital image is amazing but computers have now almost completely taken over my job. No more lacing up the film and walking around to check tempramental projectors because now it is all at your finger tips from one central computer. I can now control the lighting states, the temperature, the curtains, the sound and the ratio. I guess I will have to start going to the gym more often.

A few images that capture my beloved 35 mm and the projectors that ran it.

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